What we can learn from Oprah

I am in a bit of a neutral zone – meaning I have just finished a very intense project that spanned many many months. I am initiating a new project but we are in the early days… starting to get moving but not quite at a fever pitch. It feels a bit strange but aha this is what change feels like. Always a good thing to go through what you preach – I can officially state that I am in a neutral zone. I have cast off from a shore but am now in my little boat and can see the new destination but can’t quite make out the shoreline. It feels a bit discombobulating. So here is what I have learned about change in my own personal experiment/experience over the past few days:

  • Structure and routine are beautiful things. Previously I had a 20 minute walk to a client site every morning and evening on my way home. I now have a 20 minute walk around my office culminating in a steeped tea from Tim Hortons. It feels good.
  • We need to talk to people. I am communicating like crazy – lunching, dinnering, having coffee constantly. When you leave an environment with lots of people all around you it is strange to go to one that is much quieter. Turn on the music!
  • Oprah is incredibly effective. All the leadership training in the world – watch this woman for one hour (I popped in her DVD special last night). Amazing – she can connect at all levels, challenge without being threatening, be empathetic without being a marshmellow and pick up on people’s emotions instantly. She also inspires others through her actions to do good things like give. Hmmmm…
  • Exercise is crucial. With a routine change I have fallen off the wagon this week and dare I say, I feel a bit fuzzy and tired. Get back on that stairclimber!!
  • Choose who to listen to wisely. I heard a rabbi state the other day that at the moment he is only listening/watching President Obama. In times of change or crisis too much information/opinions from too many places can reduce energy, be tiresome, angst inducing and unproductive.

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